No. |
Nama Jurnal yang Dapat di akses |
1. |
2. |
Majalah Obsteri & Ginekologi |
3. |
Majalah Kedokteran Bandung |
4. |
Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi |
5. |
6. |
Gemasika Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat |
7. |
Jurnal Kebidanan & Keperawatan 'Aisyiyah |
8. |
Jurnal Ners dan Kebidanan |
9. |
Jurnal Kebidanan |
10. |
Jurnal Kebidanan Midwiferia |
11. |
Jurnal Ilmu Keperawatan dan Kebidanan |
12. |
Jurnal Kebidanan Indonesia |
13. |
Jurnal Kebidanan dan Kesehatan Tradisional |
14. |
Journal of Paediactric Obstetric Gynecology (JPOG) |
15. |
An International Journal of Obstetrics an Gynaecology (BJOG) |
16. |
Gynecology Obstetruc & Reproductive Medicine | GORM |
17. |
Open Journal of Obstetrucs and Gynecology | OJOG |
18. |
Turkis Journal of Obstetrucs and Gynecology | TJODD |
19. |
Gynecology and Obstetric Case Reports |
19. |
International Journal of Reproduction, Contraception, Obstetric and Gynecology | IJRCOG |
20. |
Indian Journal of Obstetric and Gynecology Research | IJOGR |
21. |
Journal of the Medical Sciences (Berkala Ilmu Kedokteran) | Journal of the Medical Sciences |
22. |
Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium | Jurnal Teknologi Laboratorium |
23. |
Jurnal Atom Indonesia | Jurnal Atom Indonesia |
24. |
Jurnal Ilmiah Apliaksi Isotop dan Radiasi | Jurnal Ilmiah Apliaksi Isotop dan Radiasi |
25. |
Radiasi: Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika | Radiasi:Jurnal Berkala Pendidikan Fisika |
26. |
Jurnal Administrasi Kesehatan Indonesia | Jurnal Administrasi Kesehatan Indonesia |
27. |
Clinical Radiology | Clinical Radiology |
28. |
Journal of Radiology Nursing | Journal of Radiology Nursing |
29. |
Radiology Case Reports | Radiology Case Reports |
30. |
International journal of radiology and imaging | International journal of radiology and imaging |
31. |
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences | Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences |